In a previous essay, "Tolkein and the Reality of Fantasy's Failure With Racism", I confronted the fantasy genre’s tendency
towards racist caricatures of marginalized and exoticized people through
fantastic cultures and races. Reflecting upon that writing made got me
thinking about the complexity of the fantasy genre itself and its ambiguous if
not antagonistic relationship with science fiction. This essay serves as
a correction of that arbitrary literary distinction and I hope that my critique
will not only enable the genres to be better understood but to expand beyond
their current constraints to do what the genres were meant to do: create
entertaining and enlightening fantasies.
Both fantasy and science fiction are included within the speculative fiction genre, a wider genre of suspended disbelief. The New Weird writer China Mieville, a personal favorite of mine, distinguished between the genres structurally in terms of impossibility and I think that is a useful format to follow. So we can consider speculative fiction to deal with that which is impossible. Within this we can make a distinction between what he defined as the not-yet-possible or the never-possible; the former belonging to science fiction and the latter to fantasy fiction. Similarly Rod Serling defined the distinction as science fiction making the improbably possible while fantasy fiction making the impossible probable. Science fiction is interested in narratives built upon the speculation of scientific knowledge in a consistent and continuous manner. By contrast, fantasy fiction indulges in narratives based upon imaginative and magical mythologies, often discontinuous if not in contradiction to our scientific and historical knowledge.
Starting from this stereotypical understanding of each genre we can construct contrasting expectations for the surface setting and narrative each will take. Science fiction involves a confrontation with the consequences of actualized speculative science such as artificial intelligence, the colonization of other planets, extraterrestrial communication, virtual reality or time travel. Fantasy includes a conflict between good and evil, fate and destiny, with magical powers, divine beings, and fantastic creatures. Science fiction is futuristic and progressive while fantasy is medieval and conservative. The former not only occurs in a scientifically and technologically-advanced future continuous with our present world but resolves its conflicts by advancing technology or knowledge even further. The latter, fantasy fiction, typically occurs in a world historically disconnected and politically more primitive than our own and resolves its conflicts by restoring the current political and cosmological status-quo through the recovery of some forgotten artifact or restoration of some lost royal bloodline.
The subversion of this literary binary between science fiction and fantasy fiction begins by showing that the surface plot and setting stereotypes do not following from the structure underlying them. I think that one could transport the surface tropes of plot and setting relatively intact from one genre into another without destabilizing its structural integrity or needing to superfluous postulation of some genre hybrid. Science fiction explanations of the world are continuous or at least compatible with our own scientific understanding of the world and a large amount of the appeal of the genre revolves around how rigorously it extrapolates from current scientific theory to justify its speculative elements. Fantasy is different in that it is more or less discontinuous with our scientific understanding of the world if not explicitly in contradiction to it through its re-appropriation of outdated pseudo-sciences like alchemy or invention of supernatural magic systems. Science fiction worlds are identifiable as historically related to our world either in the near or far-future or as an alternate history that deviated from our history at some point. Due to the typical inclusion of supernatural elements like magic and gods, fantasy is not historically related to our world even when it appears to be set in an alternate historical period. Science fiction narratives have a history that can be traced back to a period of our own world’s history while fantasy fiction narratives have their own world history or supernatural doppelganger histories of our own non-magical world history. Science fiction represents a possibility of our world as an actuality while fantasy fiction represents a world impossible for us but actual to itself.
The distinction between science fiction and fantasy becomes more complicated when one considers the relatively recent emergence of sub-genres such as urban fantasy or steam-punk. In such genres, fantasy tropes such as magic, gods or supernatural creatures such as elves, fairies and vampires are introduced into modern settings such as Victorian London or modern New York. Insofar as these stories contain supernatural elements I think they are un-controversially fantasy stories because the supernatural as a force that contradicts our scientific understanding of the world mark a clear discontinuity with our world. Even if it is set in a city called London, it is clearly not the London of our world insofar as we do not understand magic as an intelligible part of our world, of which London is a part. But insofar as the steam-punk genre does not include supernatural elements and is set in a world historically connected to our own I think it is acceptable to label it as science fiction and not fantasy fiction. What is crucial is the element of historical and scientific continuity with our world: the advancements in Victorian steam-technology must be explained compatible with current scientific understanding and plausible for the Victorian time-period. Were anachronistic technological advancements such as robots to exist within the time period that could not be explained or produced in accordance with the scientific understanding of the Victorian era, the narrative would fit within the fantasy genre, even if it lacked supernatural explanations for the existence of said robots.
Science fiction has a historical prejudice towards the future and fantasy fiction towards the past. Actually in the case of fantasy this isn’t really intelligible in most cases, as most fantasy has no historical continuity with our past but is a unique world in itself or resembles our present as is the case with urban fantasy. Regardless, these historical prejudices can be quite comfortably reversed. A story set on foreign planets with aliens and robots meditating on time travel could be recognized as fantasy fiction while a story in a pseudo-medieval world with dragons and trolls could be considered science fiction. George Lucas’ Star Wars is a good example of fantasy fiction appearing in a setting typically reserved for science fiction because its history is not represented as our future, it includes supernatural magic such as the Jedi and Sith Force and it doesn’t concern itself with scientific plausibility. The speculative fiction story set in a pseudo-medieval world with dragons and trolls can be considered science fiction, albeit pulpy science fiction, if it is recognizable as our world, and the dragons and trolls are explained as evolutionarily continuous with other life (dragons are pterosaurs that managed to survive the extinction of dinosaurs and trolls are related to Neanderthals). What matters is how the world presented in the text is understood in relation to our world and how such an explanation for the world arises within the text itself. If the world of the text has a historical relation to our world and its explanations are continuous and compatible with our understanding of our world then it is science fiction. Whenever the history and explanations of speculative elements deviates from our world and is explained in accordance to its own history, pseudo-science or systematic magic, it is fantasy fiction.
There has been some considerable debate over whether or not a narrative can lack magic or the supernatural and still be considered fantasy fiction as opposed to some other ill-defined genre of speculative fiction. I believe that a story could indeed dispense with such supernatural elements and still be considered as fantasy fiction. What is important to the distinction between science fiction and fantasy fiction is the continuity of the former with our understanding of our world and the discontinuity of the latter with our understanding of our world. Supernatural features such as magic, gods, and miracles represent an explicit departure from such continuity but it is not the only form such departure can take. A story set on island nations fighting off plague-spreading sentient fungus beings would be fantasy fiction insofar as the narrative has no recognizable connection to our world or our understanding of it. But if it was set on a future Earth flooded due to global warming struggling against the fungal plague, then it could be science fiction because such a setting is continuous with our Earth in the aftermath of global warming and presumably has a pseudo-scientific explanation for the fungal plague, perhaps a mutation of the fungus Ophiocordyceps unilateralis like in the popular video-game The Last of Us.
It is just as legitimate whether science fiction can do without science in the narrative and still fit within the genre, although to my knowledge such a debate has not really occurred among genre enthusiasts. I think that a science fiction story can dispense with scientific explanations and still fit within the genre more or less, although such a fit will not be explicitly apparent. What is important is that the narrative and setting of the story is continuous with our world and at a minimum compatible with our current understanding of the world. But such compatibility with our current science need not itself be presented scientifically, it need only not explicitly contradict it. In the medieval science fiction story with dinosaur-dragons it would make little sense to explicitly state that they had evolved from dinosaurs as if the theory of evolution was not common knowledge, or even privileged knowledge at the time given the state of science at the time, or lack thereof. But one could implicitly work the connection into the narrative by saying that priests had collected bones from different layers in the earth, more or less in resemblance to the dragons they were familiar with and were beginning to question whether they had changed over time. If science fiction can write about time periods prior to the emergence of the scientific method, and I think that it can, it makes little sense to define narrative explanations of the world in scientific terms. But it strikes one as absurd to say that one can write science fiction unscientifically, and for this reason I will conclude this essay by suggesting a revision to the dichotomous labels of science fiction and fantasy fiction.
There is space for ambiguity as to whether a given narrative can be defined as science fiction or fantasy fiction. This occurs when the context of the world is neither recognizable as explicably continuous with our own nor precludes its possibility of being so. I think any fantasy story devoid of the supernatural can conceivably fall within this categorization. Consider a story set on an exotic world where humans live under elven overlords in a mountainous feudal kingdom threatened by swarms of dragons. Such a story is apparently fantasy fiction as it has no continuity with our world or our understanding of it. But later in the story it is revealed that humanity colonized this world as part of a space-faring empire originally descended from Earth and the elves and dragons are aliens which superficially resemble those of Earth fantasies. Sounds more like science fiction now. If science fiction is the genre of the not-yet possible and fantasy fiction of the never-possible, then such an ambiguous narrative could be labeled the not-yet-never-possible because it has not yet been closed off as violating the continuity with our understanding of the world.
But our understanding of the world, even when mediated through the stricture of the scientific method, is subject to dramatic and destabilizing revision. If the genre of science fiction is dependent upon continuity with such a worldview, then when this worldview is disproven, the narrative of the story lacks continuity with our world and ceases to be science fiction. This is the fate of many, and possibly all, science fiction narratives to some extent as necessitated by the progress of scientific understanding: the science fiction of today is the fantasy fiction of tomorrow. In ironic anticipation of this, consider speculative fiction set in an apparently science fiction world with the intrusion of inexplicable forces unintelligible to us. Returning to our ambiguous narrative above, consider that further into the story it is revealed that the colonization was a response to the supernatural destruction of Earth by God’s angels because humanity had turned from worship of God to the idolization of science. Later on it could be revealed that these angels were merely a more-advanced alien species utilizing technology that manipulated physics beyond our understanding so that it appears supernatural in nature. Now we seem to be possibly back into the genre of fantasy fiction. So on and so forth.
This tension can be used to enhance the narrative through mystery insofar as it is never certain whether the world is continuous with our own and whether it can be exhaustively explicable according to (scientific) principles we will find intelligible. A fantasy fiction can always be revealed to have a scientific explanation and a science fiction can always have forces which transcend explanation according to scientific principles as well as depend upon scientific principles which will eventually come to be understood as fantasy. In line with previous thinking we can label this ambiguity of the speculative fiction genre as the never-not-yet-possible because it can never be definitively understood as a speculation which will remain or come to be explicable continuous with our scientific understanding of reality or whether it will elude such comprehension and continue to be perceived as supernatural. A good speculative fiction narrative has to be plausible even if it is fantastic in nature and especially so if it is scientific in nature. This plausibility arises out of the correspondence between the narrative of the text and the world of the text; when the narrative arises predictably out of the available knowledge of the world it is plausible, and when there is contradiction the story loses plausibility and the power of escapism which makes speculative fiction such an appealing genre. If the narrative of the medieval science fiction story explains dragons as evolutionarily related to dinosaurs, you also need to explain how the theory of evolution itself arises out of a world ignorant of such a theory. If not, the juxtaposition of a scientific narrative with a pre-scientific world will be jarring to the reader. This is part of the challenge for writers challenging the hegemony of strict genre labels, and makes writers that effectively do so all the more impressive.
I do not consider this a flaw of the model I am proposing but rather an advantage of it. It allows is to be comfortable with the tendency of science fiction stories to cease to be properly scientific and come to resemble fantasy as does it allow us to understand fantasy stories such as folklore and mythology as pseudo-scientific insofar as they are naively consistent with our current scientific understanding of the world. Our narratives are subject to revision relative to how we understand our world in relation to the text and how those within the narrative of the text understand the world itself. Science fiction and fantasy fiction as part of speculative fiction operate along a continuum between the ideals of familiarity and creativity. Pure familiarity would replicate our world and pure creativity would be unintelligible to our world; both are impossible ideals insofar as any reproduction of this world is an idealized reduction of this world and any creativity of another world involves extrapolation from this world. As a general rule, science fiction would tend towards what is more familiar than fantasy fiction since the former is continuous with our understanding of this world while the latter is not: it would be much harder to justify a human being turned into an insect in a science fiction narrative than it would be to do so in a fantasy fiction narrative. This is the very appeal of subverting the narrow understanding of genre labels: the challenge of being able to think of fantastic imagery scientifically and to think of scientific scenarios as magical. Not only do science fiction and fantasy fiction texts change genre labels throughout the history of our world, but our understanding of the text’s genre can change within the text itself depending on the form and content of its narrative, subverting our expectations again and again and forcing us to think more critically and creatively not only about the confines of the text but our world as well.
Science fiction and fantasy fiction are not absolute and mutually exclusive genre labels but are two theoretical perspectives of the narrative relative to how we theorize the world of that narrative to be continuous and explicable with our theoretical understanding of our own world. Although I think the genre label of any given story to be relatively stable across time, we must at least admit of the possibility that it can change and such stability is a contingency largely maintained for marketing advantages. Genre labels are convenient ways of marketing a book in relation to other popular works to similar works to a particular demographic; it is hard to sell a book defined as fantasy-yet-possibly-science-fiction-but-eventually-fantasy. But insofar as we are thinking theoretically in terms of genre, we can see the ambiguity and fluidity of these labels as well as their insufficiency. What we need is a modification in our description of these genres. Natural and supernatural fiction appears to be appealing but fantasy is not strictly defined by its inclusion of the supernatural, only by its discontinuity between the world of the text and the world of the reader, of which the supernatural is only the most explicit form. Rational and irrational fiction is also appealing, but I think the latter is a pejorative used by science fiction genre enthusiasts against fantasy fiction unjustifiably; fantasy fiction is not irrational per se, it simply does not abide by a rationality bounded by the world of the reader and operates according to reasons internally consistent only with itself. Fantasy fiction can be just as systematic and critical as science fiction, but it has its own system as it does its own history.
Hypothetical fiction and fantastical fiction is a superior distinction between the two genres. Science fiction does not necessarily have to do with science per se, but it is certainly structured by it insofar as it extrapolates from current scientific theory to form an imaginative world or makes historical changes to our world and contemplates the hypothetical consequences of such an adjustment. Science fiction is science fiction not because of its content but its methodology just as fantasy fiction is fantastic not because it necessarily deals with the chimerical and magical but because it creates its world purely from the unconstrained imagination of the author, unbounded from the limitations of the author’s own world. For too long in the history of speculative fiction have the hypothetical and fantastical fiction genres labored under the burden of their aesthetics, ignoring the underlying structural distinctions that make them unique genres and allow them to think more creatively from within that framework. Hypothetical fiction doesn’t have to be constrained by the limitations of space opera battles, alien invasion, time travelers, or robotic revolutions and fantasy doesn’t need to find us again and again with magical monsters, feudal kingdoms, dark lords, and divine quests. I think an increasing amount of speculative fiction authors are aware of this possibility, and are being imaginative enough to explore its implications by writing work that exists outside the binary of science and fantasy fiction. The best example of this is the emerging and mutating genre of the New Weird, of which China Mieville is master. Incorporating high and low fantasy, science fiction, horror, super-hero, dystopian, apocalyptic, post-apocalyptic, alternative-history, and steam-punk genres, the New Weird is continually reimagining the limitations and excess of the fantastical fiction genre and it is time for hypothetical fiction to join in that conversation. Any of these genres can as previously considered can be contained and combined within hypothetical or fantastical fiction depending on how the narrative of the text understands its world and how the reader of understands the relationship between the world of the text and their own world.
I began this essay by following China Mieville’s distinction within speculative fiction between the not-yet-possible of hypothetical fiction and the never-possible of fantasy fiction. I then expanded it to accommodate the horizons of the not-yet-never-possible and the never-not-yet-possible; the former belonging to the possibility of science fiction stories which are discredited scientifically and become pseudo-scientific fantasy fiction and the latter corresponding to speculative fiction which cannot be confined within either genre label definitively but always exists in the twilight of each, open to interpretation. To a certain extent, I think all speculative fiction is the genre of the not-yet-never-possible because neither we do not understand ourselves and the world around us exhaustively nor can we understand the world of speculative fiction texts in that way nor can the narrator’s within the texts themselves. All literature is escapism to some extent, and speculative fiction especially so, but all the more powerful for it. We escape our world into the world of the text, to return to our world, to see ways in which our world could have been and could still be through hypothetical fiction and to see the mystery and fantasy we have forgotten in our world when juxtaposed with other unique worlds through fantastical fiction. There is always the possibility of the impossible becoming probable and the probable becoming possible and each being reversed both within the world of the text and our own world. Speculative fiction allows us to creatively and critically understand ourselves and our world by confronting the improbabilities and impossibilities of our lives through hypothetical and fantastical literary narratives.
Both fantasy and science fiction are included within the speculative fiction genre, a wider genre of suspended disbelief. The New Weird writer China Mieville, a personal favorite of mine, distinguished between the genres structurally in terms of impossibility and I think that is a useful format to follow. So we can consider speculative fiction to deal with that which is impossible. Within this we can make a distinction between what he defined as the not-yet-possible or the never-possible; the former belonging to science fiction and the latter to fantasy fiction. Similarly Rod Serling defined the distinction as science fiction making the improbably possible while fantasy fiction making the impossible probable. Science fiction is interested in narratives built upon the speculation of scientific knowledge in a consistent and continuous manner. By contrast, fantasy fiction indulges in narratives based upon imaginative and magical mythologies, often discontinuous if not in contradiction to our scientific and historical knowledge.
Starting from this stereotypical understanding of each genre we can construct contrasting expectations for the surface setting and narrative each will take. Science fiction involves a confrontation with the consequences of actualized speculative science such as artificial intelligence, the colonization of other planets, extraterrestrial communication, virtual reality or time travel. Fantasy includes a conflict between good and evil, fate and destiny, with magical powers, divine beings, and fantastic creatures. Science fiction is futuristic and progressive while fantasy is medieval and conservative. The former not only occurs in a scientifically and technologically-advanced future continuous with our present world but resolves its conflicts by advancing technology or knowledge even further. The latter, fantasy fiction, typically occurs in a world historically disconnected and politically more primitive than our own and resolves its conflicts by restoring the current political and cosmological status-quo through the recovery of some forgotten artifact or restoration of some lost royal bloodline.
The subversion of this literary binary between science fiction and fantasy fiction begins by showing that the surface plot and setting stereotypes do not following from the structure underlying them. I think that one could transport the surface tropes of plot and setting relatively intact from one genre into another without destabilizing its structural integrity or needing to superfluous postulation of some genre hybrid. Science fiction explanations of the world are continuous or at least compatible with our own scientific understanding of the world and a large amount of the appeal of the genre revolves around how rigorously it extrapolates from current scientific theory to justify its speculative elements. Fantasy is different in that it is more or less discontinuous with our scientific understanding of the world if not explicitly in contradiction to it through its re-appropriation of outdated pseudo-sciences like alchemy or invention of supernatural magic systems. Science fiction worlds are identifiable as historically related to our world either in the near or far-future or as an alternate history that deviated from our history at some point. Due to the typical inclusion of supernatural elements like magic and gods, fantasy is not historically related to our world even when it appears to be set in an alternate historical period. Science fiction narratives have a history that can be traced back to a period of our own world’s history while fantasy fiction narratives have their own world history or supernatural doppelganger histories of our own non-magical world history. Science fiction represents a possibility of our world as an actuality while fantasy fiction represents a world impossible for us but actual to itself.
The distinction between science fiction and fantasy becomes more complicated when one considers the relatively recent emergence of sub-genres such as urban fantasy or steam-punk. In such genres, fantasy tropes such as magic, gods or supernatural creatures such as elves, fairies and vampires are introduced into modern settings such as Victorian London or modern New York. Insofar as these stories contain supernatural elements I think they are un-controversially fantasy stories because the supernatural as a force that contradicts our scientific understanding of the world mark a clear discontinuity with our world. Even if it is set in a city called London, it is clearly not the London of our world insofar as we do not understand magic as an intelligible part of our world, of which London is a part. But insofar as the steam-punk genre does not include supernatural elements and is set in a world historically connected to our own I think it is acceptable to label it as science fiction and not fantasy fiction. What is crucial is the element of historical and scientific continuity with our world: the advancements in Victorian steam-technology must be explained compatible with current scientific understanding and plausible for the Victorian time-period. Were anachronistic technological advancements such as robots to exist within the time period that could not be explained or produced in accordance with the scientific understanding of the Victorian era, the narrative would fit within the fantasy genre, even if it lacked supernatural explanations for the existence of said robots.
Science fiction has a historical prejudice towards the future and fantasy fiction towards the past. Actually in the case of fantasy this isn’t really intelligible in most cases, as most fantasy has no historical continuity with our past but is a unique world in itself or resembles our present as is the case with urban fantasy. Regardless, these historical prejudices can be quite comfortably reversed. A story set on foreign planets with aliens and robots meditating on time travel could be recognized as fantasy fiction while a story in a pseudo-medieval world with dragons and trolls could be considered science fiction. George Lucas’ Star Wars is a good example of fantasy fiction appearing in a setting typically reserved for science fiction because its history is not represented as our future, it includes supernatural magic such as the Jedi and Sith Force and it doesn’t concern itself with scientific plausibility. The speculative fiction story set in a pseudo-medieval world with dragons and trolls can be considered science fiction, albeit pulpy science fiction, if it is recognizable as our world, and the dragons and trolls are explained as evolutionarily continuous with other life (dragons are pterosaurs that managed to survive the extinction of dinosaurs and trolls are related to Neanderthals). What matters is how the world presented in the text is understood in relation to our world and how such an explanation for the world arises within the text itself. If the world of the text has a historical relation to our world and its explanations are continuous and compatible with our understanding of our world then it is science fiction. Whenever the history and explanations of speculative elements deviates from our world and is explained in accordance to its own history, pseudo-science or systematic magic, it is fantasy fiction.
There has been some considerable debate over whether or not a narrative can lack magic or the supernatural and still be considered fantasy fiction as opposed to some other ill-defined genre of speculative fiction. I believe that a story could indeed dispense with such supernatural elements and still be considered as fantasy fiction. What is important to the distinction between science fiction and fantasy fiction is the continuity of the former with our understanding of our world and the discontinuity of the latter with our understanding of our world. Supernatural features such as magic, gods, and miracles represent an explicit departure from such continuity but it is not the only form such departure can take. A story set on island nations fighting off plague-spreading sentient fungus beings would be fantasy fiction insofar as the narrative has no recognizable connection to our world or our understanding of it. But if it was set on a future Earth flooded due to global warming struggling against the fungal plague, then it could be science fiction because such a setting is continuous with our Earth in the aftermath of global warming and presumably has a pseudo-scientific explanation for the fungal plague, perhaps a mutation of the fungus Ophiocordyceps unilateralis like in the popular video-game The Last of Us.
It is just as legitimate whether science fiction can do without science in the narrative and still fit within the genre, although to my knowledge such a debate has not really occurred among genre enthusiasts. I think that a science fiction story can dispense with scientific explanations and still fit within the genre more or less, although such a fit will not be explicitly apparent. What is important is that the narrative and setting of the story is continuous with our world and at a minimum compatible with our current understanding of the world. But such compatibility with our current science need not itself be presented scientifically, it need only not explicitly contradict it. In the medieval science fiction story with dinosaur-dragons it would make little sense to explicitly state that they had evolved from dinosaurs as if the theory of evolution was not common knowledge, or even privileged knowledge at the time given the state of science at the time, or lack thereof. But one could implicitly work the connection into the narrative by saying that priests had collected bones from different layers in the earth, more or less in resemblance to the dragons they were familiar with and were beginning to question whether they had changed over time. If science fiction can write about time periods prior to the emergence of the scientific method, and I think that it can, it makes little sense to define narrative explanations of the world in scientific terms. But it strikes one as absurd to say that one can write science fiction unscientifically, and for this reason I will conclude this essay by suggesting a revision to the dichotomous labels of science fiction and fantasy fiction.
There is space for ambiguity as to whether a given narrative can be defined as science fiction or fantasy fiction. This occurs when the context of the world is neither recognizable as explicably continuous with our own nor precludes its possibility of being so. I think any fantasy story devoid of the supernatural can conceivably fall within this categorization. Consider a story set on an exotic world where humans live under elven overlords in a mountainous feudal kingdom threatened by swarms of dragons. Such a story is apparently fantasy fiction as it has no continuity with our world or our understanding of it. But later in the story it is revealed that humanity colonized this world as part of a space-faring empire originally descended from Earth and the elves and dragons are aliens which superficially resemble those of Earth fantasies. Sounds more like science fiction now. If science fiction is the genre of the not-yet possible and fantasy fiction of the never-possible, then such an ambiguous narrative could be labeled the not-yet-never-possible because it has not yet been closed off as violating the continuity with our understanding of the world.
But our understanding of the world, even when mediated through the stricture of the scientific method, is subject to dramatic and destabilizing revision. If the genre of science fiction is dependent upon continuity with such a worldview, then when this worldview is disproven, the narrative of the story lacks continuity with our world and ceases to be science fiction. This is the fate of many, and possibly all, science fiction narratives to some extent as necessitated by the progress of scientific understanding: the science fiction of today is the fantasy fiction of tomorrow. In ironic anticipation of this, consider speculative fiction set in an apparently science fiction world with the intrusion of inexplicable forces unintelligible to us. Returning to our ambiguous narrative above, consider that further into the story it is revealed that the colonization was a response to the supernatural destruction of Earth by God’s angels because humanity had turned from worship of God to the idolization of science. Later on it could be revealed that these angels were merely a more-advanced alien species utilizing technology that manipulated physics beyond our understanding so that it appears supernatural in nature. Now we seem to be possibly back into the genre of fantasy fiction. So on and so forth.
This tension can be used to enhance the narrative through mystery insofar as it is never certain whether the world is continuous with our own and whether it can be exhaustively explicable according to (scientific) principles we will find intelligible. A fantasy fiction can always be revealed to have a scientific explanation and a science fiction can always have forces which transcend explanation according to scientific principles as well as depend upon scientific principles which will eventually come to be understood as fantasy. In line with previous thinking we can label this ambiguity of the speculative fiction genre as the never-not-yet-possible because it can never be definitively understood as a speculation which will remain or come to be explicable continuous with our scientific understanding of reality or whether it will elude such comprehension and continue to be perceived as supernatural. A good speculative fiction narrative has to be plausible even if it is fantastic in nature and especially so if it is scientific in nature. This plausibility arises out of the correspondence between the narrative of the text and the world of the text; when the narrative arises predictably out of the available knowledge of the world it is plausible, and when there is contradiction the story loses plausibility and the power of escapism which makes speculative fiction such an appealing genre. If the narrative of the medieval science fiction story explains dragons as evolutionarily related to dinosaurs, you also need to explain how the theory of evolution itself arises out of a world ignorant of such a theory. If not, the juxtaposition of a scientific narrative with a pre-scientific world will be jarring to the reader. This is part of the challenge for writers challenging the hegemony of strict genre labels, and makes writers that effectively do so all the more impressive.
I do not consider this a flaw of the model I am proposing but rather an advantage of it. It allows is to be comfortable with the tendency of science fiction stories to cease to be properly scientific and come to resemble fantasy as does it allow us to understand fantasy stories such as folklore and mythology as pseudo-scientific insofar as they are naively consistent with our current scientific understanding of the world. Our narratives are subject to revision relative to how we understand our world in relation to the text and how those within the narrative of the text understand the world itself. Science fiction and fantasy fiction as part of speculative fiction operate along a continuum between the ideals of familiarity and creativity. Pure familiarity would replicate our world and pure creativity would be unintelligible to our world; both are impossible ideals insofar as any reproduction of this world is an idealized reduction of this world and any creativity of another world involves extrapolation from this world. As a general rule, science fiction would tend towards what is more familiar than fantasy fiction since the former is continuous with our understanding of this world while the latter is not: it would be much harder to justify a human being turned into an insect in a science fiction narrative than it would be to do so in a fantasy fiction narrative. This is the very appeal of subverting the narrow understanding of genre labels: the challenge of being able to think of fantastic imagery scientifically and to think of scientific scenarios as magical. Not only do science fiction and fantasy fiction texts change genre labels throughout the history of our world, but our understanding of the text’s genre can change within the text itself depending on the form and content of its narrative, subverting our expectations again and again and forcing us to think more critically and creatively not only about the confines of the text but our world as well.
Science fiction and fantasy fiction are not absolute and mutually exclusive genre labels but are two theoretical perspectives of the narrative relative to how we theorize the world of that narrative to be continuous and explicable with our theoretical understanding of our own world. Although I think the genre label of any given story to be relatively stable across time, we must at least admit of the possibility that it can change and such stability is a contingency largely maintained for marketing advantages. Genre labels are convenient ways of marketing a book in relation to other popular works to similar works to a particular demographic; it is hard to sell a book defined as fantasy-yet-possibly-science-fiction-but-eventually-fantasy. But insofar as we are thinking theoretically in terms of genre, we can see the ambiguity and fluidity of these labels as well as their insufficiency. What we need is a modification in our description of these genres. Natural and supernatural fiction appears to be appealing but fantasy is not strictly defined by its inclusion of the supernatural, only by its discontinuity between the world of the text and the world of the reader, of which the supernatural is only the most explicit form. Rational and irrational fiction is also appealing, but I think the latter is a pejorative used by science fiction genre enthusiasts against fantasy fiction unjustifiably; fantasy fiction is not irrational per se, it simply does not abide by a rationality bounded by the world of the reader and operates according to reasons internally consistent only with itself. Fantasy fiction can be just as systematic and critical as science fiction, but it has its own system as it does its own history.
Hypothetical fiction and fantastical fiction is a superior distinction between the two genres. Science fiction does not necessarily have to do with science per se, but it is certainly structured by it insofar as it extrapolates from current scientific theory to form an imaginative world or makes historical changes to our world and contemplates the hypothetical consequences of such an adjustment. Science fiction is science fiction not because of its content but its methodology just as fantasy fiction is fantastic not because it necessarily deals with the chimerical and magical but because it creates its world purely from the unconstrained imagination of the author, unbounded from the limitations of the author’s own world. For too long in the history of speculative fiction have the hypothetical and fantastical fiction genres labored under the burden of their aesthetics, ignoring the underlying structural distinctions that make them unique genres and allow them to think more creatively from within that framework. Hypothetical fiction doesn’t have to be constrained by the limitations of space opera battles, alien invasion, time travelers, or robotic revolutions and fantasy doesn’t need to find us again and again with magical monsters, feudal kingdoms, dark lords, and divine quests. I think an increasing amount of speculative fiction authors are aware of this possibility, and are being imaginative enough to explore its implications by writing work that exists outside the binary of science and fantasy fiction. The best example of this is the emerging and mutating genre of the New Weird, of which China Mieville is master. Incorporating high and low fantasy, science fiction, horror, super-hero, dystopian, apocalyptic, post-apocalyptic, alternative-history, and steam-punk genres, the New Weird is continually reimagining the limitations and excess of the fantastical fiction genre and it is time for hypothetical fiction to join in that conversation. Any of these genres can as previously considered can be contained and combined within hypothetical or fantastical fiction depending on how the narrative of the text understands its world and how the reader of understands the relationship between the world of the text and their own world.
I began this essay by following China Mieville’s distinction within speculative fiction between the not-yet-possible of hypothetical fiction and the never-possible of fantasy fiction. I then expanded it to accommodate the horizons of the not-yet-never-possible and the never-not-yet-possible; the former belonging to the possibility of science fiction stories which are discredited scientifically and become pseudo-scientific fantasy fiction and the latter corresponding to speculative fiction which cannot be confined within either genre label definitively but always exists in the twilight of each, open to interpretation. To a certain extent, I think all speculative fiction is the genre of the not-yet-never-possible because neither we do not understand ourselves and the world around us exhaustively nor can we understand the world of speculative fiction texts in that way nor can the narrator’s within the texts themselves. All literature is escapism to some extent, and speculative fiction especially so, but all the more powerful for it. We escape our world into the world of the text, to return to our world, to see ways in which our world could have been and could still be through hypothetical fiction and to see the mystery and fantasy we have forgotten in our world when juxtaposed with other unique worlds through fantastical fiction. There is always the possibility of the impossible becoming probable and the probable becoming possible and each being reversed both within the world of the text and our own world. Speculative fiction allows us to creatively and critically understand ourselves and our world by confronting the improbabilities and impossibilities of our lives through hypothetical and fantastical literary narratives.
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